There’s nothing better than wearable spy equipment when performing a secret surveillance operation. It’s undetectable to the naked eye and it’s just as powerful as some larger spy devices. One type of such wearable spy equipment is spy listening devices.
Spy audio surveillance devices, like phone bugs, distant audio recorders or cell phone-like audio spy gadgets are simply ideal for secret spying missions. While video is very useful, in some situations, you simply can’t getaway with it alone. You need audio surveillance equipment to do the job. So these devices help private investigators and police forces to capture critical conversations over the phone, or face to face.
Phone bugs are probably the most common audio surveillance device. We’ve all heard the phrase in the movies - bug. Phone bug is simply a small audio spying device that is attached to the phone (usually inside the phone) and which performs an audio surveillance. It sends signals to other location to stream the voice of the suspect. Sometimes, phone bugs are not necessarily put into the regular phone directly. In some cases, a phone bug may be put near the phone and still be able to capture the conversation and send the signal to another location. Such bugs may look like everyday objects – clocks, radios, cell phones, watches and so on. A very neat feature that phone bugs have is that they do not need to record the audio all the time, non-stop. They can turn on and record the conversation only when someone is talking. Why would you need to keep listening to the silence just to find the part when the suspect starts talking? Such more advanced phone bugs sort of guard until the phone is picked up and someone starts talking. You can hear only recorded voices, which makes it very convenient to perform an audio surveillance.
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